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Lily Branscombe
Lily Branscombe 1878-1870
Motion Picture Story Magazine published an interview with her in 1912,
Miss Lily Branscombe, who was born in New Zealand and educated in New South Wales, is pretty, petite and brimming over with life and animation. Apparently she is young, but I cannot state this authoritatively, for when I ventured a hint in this direction she drew herself up to her full five feet three and looked reproachful.
“It’s rude to ask a lady her age,” she informed me.
Miss Branscombe began her stage career in ’94 by playing Little Eva. Her Photoplay work has all been with the Essanay Company and her favorite rôles are comedy and emotional.
“I like the work, and the rehearsals are fun,” she said, “but my best work?—don’t ask me; wait till I have been longer in the business.”
“Are you married?” I queried—simply because the question is in my list.
“I’m living in hopes,” she sighed, but her dancing eyes belied the pensive tone.
“I spend my evenings enjoying myself,” she declared in answer to another question. “I read, sing, play, go to the opera or to the theater. I love to read, first all the newspapers I can get my hands on, then the standard authors, especially Lytton.”
“And do you like parties, dancing, etc.?”
“You bet your life!” was the ready response. “Everything interests me. I do plenty of walking and swimming, and I adore the briny deep—after the mal de mer is gone. Last summer I spent on the Mississippi River.”
“How about politics?”
“Nothing doing; don’t know a Democrat from a buzz-saw,” she laughed.
It was like some sparkling tonic, my interview with this vivacious little lady, so full of the joy of life. It is good to find sincerity and high ideals combined with youth and the bubbling spirit of fun.
Lily Branscombe acted in 50 Essanay films, 44 of them released in 1912.
Lily Branscombe
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